
Date Method Example Owner
2010/09 Participatory Community Peace and Conflict Assessment - PCPCA Caraga Region Philippines Assessment (PCPCA) CTMPCP
2010/08 Territorial Approach for Sustainable Livelihoods Backbone Approach GTZ
2009/06 Digital Tax Parcel Mapping iTax Mapping in the Philippines GTZ-DP
2008/02 Activity Mapping Mapping of Activities on Domestic Violence in Cambodia GTZ-LUPO
2006/09 Certifying Community Mobilisation Social Mobilisation in the Rural Community Infrastructure Works Programme (RCIW) in Nepal MethodFinder
2006/09 Certifying Community Mobilisation Empowering Women as Community Mobilisers, Timor Leste MethodFinder
2006/09 Certifying Community Mobilisation Learning Centers in Nepal MethodFinder
2006/08 Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment - PCIA Conducting a Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment in Georgia FRCS
2006/08 Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment - PCIA Participatory and Conflict Sensitive Impact Monitoring in Nepal FRCS
2005/07 Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA ®) Examples are currently being processed mesopartner
2004/06 Delineation of Rural Hinterland Examples are currently being processed SPRING
2004/06 Functional Analysis Examples are currently being processed SPRING
2004/06 Rural Service Area Examples are currently being processed SPRING
2004/06 Data Assessment Matrix Examples are currently being processed MethodFinder
2004/04 Scenarios The ranching example scenario MethodFinder
2004/04 Conflict analysis Participatory Editing of a Local Conflict Analysis: A Process Carried Out in Marneuli and Gardabani District FRCS
2004/04 Conflict analysis Local Conflict Analysis, Georgia S. Caucasus FRCS
2004/04 Conflict analysis Conducting the Editing Process on a Local Conflict Analysis in Tavush Marz, Armenia FRCS
2003/11 Participatory Needs Assessment - Nutrition and Food Security Examples are currently being processed GTZ
2003/11 Nutrition Baseline Survey Examples are currently being processed GTZ
2003/11 Rapid Assessment of Nutrition - RAN Examples are currently being processed GTZ
2003/09 Citizen Report Card System - CiReCa Determining Citizens Satisfaction with Public Service Provision in Kenya GTZ
2003/09 Mapping Central and Marginal Areas Assessment of social infrastructure deficits in rural areas in Ethiopia GTZ-LUPO
2003/08 InfoSure Health Insurance Evaluation Methodology & Information System Web-based application examples of InfoSure GTZ
2003/07 Consultative Impact Monitoring of Policy - CoIMPact Kenya's Participatory Impact Monitoring - KePIM GTZ
2003/07 Consultative Impact Monitoring of Policy - CoIMPact Qualitative Impact Monitoring - QIM, Malawi GTZ
2002/05 Problem tree analysis: Urban planning of a railway station Planning for Utilisation of Unused Treated Wastewater MethodFinder
2002/05 Objective analysis Urban Planning of a Railway Station MethodFinder
2002/05 Regional profile Planning of a Village in a District in North Africa MethodFinder
2002/05 Population Forecasting Population Forecasts for a District MethodFinder
2002/05 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) Expanding Market Potentials with SWOT MethodFinder
2002/05 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) SWOT Analysis for a Protected Area MethodFinder
2002/05 Transect analysis Transect of a Protected Area MethodFinder
2002/05 Choosing between alternative plans: An assessment approach Site Selection for a New Railway Station MethodFinder