Citizen Report Card System - CiReCa - References


Abhijit V. Banerjee and Ruimin Hel: The World Bank of the future, Department of Economics, M.I.T. January, 2003

Balakrishnan, Suresh: Public Affairs Centre, Bangalore, Public Services and the Urban Poor in Mumbai: Citizen Report Card, 2002

Forster, Reiner: Stakeholder Participation in Monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategies Overview of Major Issues and Challenges Social Development Department, World Bank

Government of Kenya: Human Resources and Social Services Department, Central Bureau of Statistics Kenya Ministry of Finance and Planning, Nairobi, Kenya Participatory Impact Monitoring (KePIM) Field Manual, Nairobi 2002

Government of Kenya: SPAS-GTZ, An Introduction to CiReCa Kenya’s Citizen Report Card Initiative August 2002

Parmesh, Shah: Social and Public Accountability: Using Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) and Report Cards Surveys; Participation and Civic Engagement Group, Social Development Department; The World Bank September 2002

Seema Tikare, Deborah Youssef, Rita Hilton and Parmesh Shah: Draft Sourcebook on Participatory Approaches to the PRSP, 2000 The World Bank: Methodology Workshop for Implementing a Citizen Report Card and a Community Score Card in Various Sectors, Uganda, February 16-21, 2003

The World Bank: Empowerment in Action A Newsletter of the Civil Society Team Profiles Citizen Report Cards: Can Argentina’s Social Services Make the Grade? Latin America & Caribbean Region, 1 Spring 2003

United States Agency for International Development: Newsletter of the Americas’ Accountability/ Anti-Corruption Project Accountability Anti-Corruption Strengthening Transparency through Participation Mechanisms, March 2003

Zettelmeyer, Jeromin, Bhalla, Surjit: Bhalla Versus the World Bank: An Outsider’s Perspective. Imagine There’s No Country Poverty, Inequality and Growth in the Era of Globalization Institute for International Economics, Washington, 2002