InfoSure Health Insurance Evaluation Methodology & Information System - Main Users / Purpose

files/images_static/user.jpg Experts in the field of health care provision and health insurance, development organisations, academics, health insurers and consultants are the main users of InfoSure.

The InfoSure methodology is composed of three main parts: a qualitative questionnaire, a multiple choice questionnaire, and a statistical part. The set of questions offered can be used by the evaluators in the field as a guideline for their assessment or evaluation. It helps them to identify the essential aspects and inter-dependencies of a complex insurance system.

The qualitative and the multiple-choice parts of the questionnaire contain identical questions and are purposefully repetitive. This dual structure makes it possible to check and revalidate the findings and the information gathered during the evaluation process. The multiple-choice part further allows to recognise and describe new aspects of an insurance projects and to classify them, which might also be subject to change.

The result of both, the quantitative and qualitative assessment of a health insurance scheme is a detailed case study, which can later be accessed from the Internet. The structure of the InfoSure methodology produces text fragments composed of individual answers related to the questions, which can be freely combined as required. The “Report and Analysis Tool” assists in producing case study reports and comparative analysis. The researcher’s specific field of interest can be nourished with the qualitative and quantitative data from selected studies. The combined information from different case studies can be used or modified in order to generate the intended report.

As a structurally open tool, InfoSure can be up-dated and expanded iteratively to include other aspects of insurance or health financing, respectively. It is precisely the possibility to adapt the questionnaire over time to recent experiences and the evaluator’s interest which makes this methodology a valuable scientific tool.