Social Inclusion - References


Bennet, Lynn: Gender, caste and ethnic exclusion in Nepal: Following the policy process from analysis to action. “New Frontiers of Social Policy”, Arusha, conference paper, 2005.

de Haan, Arjan: Social Exclusion: Enriching the Understanding of Deprivation. In: Studies in Social and Political Thought, no. 2 (2), 2000.

DFID / World Bank: Citizens with(out) rights: Nepal gender and social exclusion Assessment (GSEA). Kathmandu: DFID / World Bank, 2005.

DFID / World Bank:  Unequal Citizens: Gender, Caste and Ethnic Exclusion in Nepal. Kathmandu: DFID / World Bank, 2006.

DFID-LFP: Pro-poor and social inclusion strategy: Creating a common understanding and approach for social inclusion. Kathmandu: DFID, 2007.

MLD, WFP, DFID, GTZ: Strategy to address social exclusion. Rural Community Infrastructure Works Programme (RCIW) 2006-2007, Kathmandu.

Pradhan, Rajendra: Understanding social exclusion and social inclusion in the nepalese context: Some preliminary remarks. “Understanding Social Inclusion and Exclusion: Theories, Methodologies and Data”, Kathmandu, conference paper, 2006.

Sen, Amartya, Social exclusion: Concept, application and scrutiny. Manila: ADB, 2000.


GSDRC – Governance and Social Development Resource Centre: Social Exclusion

Siyanda – Mainstreaming Gender Equality

Related Methods

Gender Mainstreaming

Rural Road Construction

Construction of “Green Roads” through Community Based Organizations in Rukum and Rolpa (Nepal)

Income Promotion Strategy (Food For Work)

Learning Centres in Nepal  (Certifying Community Mobilisation)

Participatory and Conflict Sensitive Impact Monitoring (Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment)