Capacity Building for Democratic Local Governance - References


Engel, Antonia: Report on knowledge Management in FRCS - GTZ, Eschborn, 2003

FRCS - GTZ, Armenia: “Millennium” Association for Education and Research, final report on training for communities and community unions, Armenia, 2003

FRCS - GTZ, Armenia: Capacity Building Program, Tavush Province Armenia, 2003

FRCS - GTZ, Armenia: Capacity Building training courses for Tavush Marz Community Unions 2003, carried out by “Millennium” NGO, 2004

FRCS - GTZ, Armenia: Capacity Building in support of cooperative and participatory processes, Mission report, Georgia, 2003

GTZ, Armenia: Roadmap for Capacity Building, FRCS –Result 4, Armenia, 2004

FRCS-GTZ, Civitas Georgia International Association: Capacity Building in support of cooperative and participatory processes, Georgia, 2003

FRCS-GTZ, Millennium NGO: The results of evaluation of the “Capacity Building project for communities and Community Unions of Tavush Province”, Armenia, 2003

FRCS-GTZ, Reliable Future NGO: Capacity building interventions, development of the training and educational opportunities in Agstafa, Gazakh, Gedabek and Tovuz regions, Azerbaijan, 2003

GTZ: Decentralisation – Toward Gender Orientation. Wiesbaden, Universum Verlagsanstalt, 2001

GTZ; Gómez, Dr. Ricardo: Capacity Development for Sustainable Development, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
(GTZ ) GmbH, GTZ Policy Paper No.1, 2003

Hammer, Dorothee: Capacity building in support of participatory and cooperative processes (FRCS), GTZ Eschborn, 2002

Huther, Jeff; Shah, Anwar: Applying a Simple Measure of Good Governance to the Debate on Fiscal Decentralization, World Bank, Washington, 2003

Manor, James: The Political Economy of Democratic Decentralization. Washington, The International Bank for Reconstruction, The World Bank, 1999

Minasyan, Gayane: Report on implemented activities from the period of June 2002 – June 2003, FRCS – GTZ, Armenia, 2003

Pact Cambodia: Partnership Handbook. Promoting Decentralisation through Partnerships. Phnom Penh/Cambodia, 2004

UNDP/Institutional Development Group, Bureau for Development Policy, A global analysis of UNDP support to decentralisation and local governance programmes 2001. New York/USA, 2002a


UN-ESCAP: What is good governance? An Introduction, UNESCAP,, New York USA, 2004

United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF): Poverty and Loca Governance. New York, Issue Paper No. 2 prepared for the Fifth Africa Governance Forum (AGF V) “Local Governance for Poverty Reduction in Africa, 2002

Work, Robertson: Overview on Decentralisation Worldwide: A stepping stone to improved governance. New York: UNDP Democratic Governance Team IDG/BDP, 2002

Work, Robertson: The Role of Participation and Partnership in Decentralised Governance: A Brief Synthesis of Policy Lessons and Recommendations of Nine Country Case Studies on Service Delivery for the Poor. New York: UNDP, 2002