Participatory Community Peace and Conflict Assessment - PCPCA - References
BMZ, GTZ, KfW; 2008, Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA): A methodological framework for the conflict- and peace-oriented alignment of development programmes, GTZ Eschborn, Germany. Boege, Volker 2006. Traditional Approaches to Conflict Transformation — Potentials and Limits. Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management. Bush, Kenneth 2009, „Aid for Peace” A Handbook for Applying Peace & Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA) to PEACE III Projects. United Nations University. Department for International Development – DFID 2002. Conducting Conflict Assessment: Guidance Notes. Galtung, Johan, 2004, Violence, War, and Their Impact On Visible and Invisible Effects of Violence, Forum for Intercultural Philosophy 5. Hoffman, Mark 2004, Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment Methodology. Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management. Leonhardt, M. 2000. Conflict Impact Assessment of EU Development Co-operation with ACP Countries. A Review of Literature and Practice. International Alert/ Saferworld. Paffenholz, Thania, Reychler, Luc, 2007, Aid for Peace: A guide to planning and evaluation for conflict zones; Nomos Verlag Baden-Baden. Quitoriano, Eddie L. 2009. Caraga Participatory Conflict Assessment: The current Context (Contextual Analysis) Draft Report, GTZ Caraga. Quitoriano, Eddie L (ed.); Alquiza, Walter; Anghag, Philip; Cruz, Ember; Dela Tore, Irene; Frohwein, Pia; Hilario, Maricel Paz; Jaeger, Daniel; Riechers, Miriam; 2009, Resource based Conflicts in the Caraga region, Findings of the Participatory Conflict Analysis, GTZ Caraga. Reich, Hannah 2006, “Local Ownership” in Conflict Transformation Projects: Partnership, Participation or Patronage? Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management. Ropers, Norbert 2000, „Die internen Akteure stärken! Krisenprävention und Konflikttransformation durch Friedensallianzen“, in: Evers, T. (ed.): Ziviler Friedensdienst, Opladen. Ropers, Norbert 1995, Structures, Processes, and Strategies Peaceful for the Constructive Regulation of Ethnopolitical Conflicts. Intervention. Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management. Ropers, Norbert 2008. Systemic Conflict Transformation: Reflections on the Conflict and Peace Process in Sri Lanka, in “A Systemic Approach to Conflict Transformation: Exploring Strengths and Weaknesses, Edited by: Daniela Körppen, Beatrix Schmelzle and Oliver Wils, Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation Dialogue Series Issue No. 6, 2008. Schall, Nikolaus, Frohwein, Pia 2009. „It’s all about Change“ Concept paper for a Participatory Conflict Analysis in Caraga Region, GTZ Caraga, 2009.
Smith, Leonard 2007. Chaos: A Very Short Introduction. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stewart, Francis, 2005, Social exclusion and conflict: analysis and policy implications. Occasional Paper. Warner, Michael, Jones, Philip, 1998, Assessing the need to manage conflicts in community based natural resource projects. Overseas Development institute – ODI. Wils, Oliver, Ulrike Hopp, Norbert Ropers, Luxshi Vimalarajah and Wolfram Zunzer 2006. The Systemic Approach to Conflict Transformation. Concepts and Fields of Application. Berlin: Berghof Foundation for Peace Support |