Certifying Community Mobilisation - References


Australian Association for Research in Education; Talking about youth participation - where, when and why? Conference 2002, December, University of Queensland

Comparative and International Education Society, Global Resonance and Resistance: Affirmative Alternative for Educational Policy, Practice, and Transformation, Social Mobilization Campaigns: An Affirmative Strategy for Involving Communities, 2001 45th Annual Meeting, March 17, 2001, Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington, DC

Development Journal of the United Nations Development Programme in Kyrgyzstan, Social Mobilisation, Issue No. 1, October 2001.

DfID UNDP-Participatory District Development Programme, Village Development Planning through Social Mobilisation, UNDP-PDDP, 2002

Mercy Corps Georgia, Understanding the Legacy of Community Mobilization, Georgia Field Study, July 2004

Merrey, Douglas J., Institutional Design Principles for Accountability in Large Irrigation Systems, IWMI Publications Series, 200

Musisi, Christine. The Role of Civil Society in Local Governance and Poverty Alleviation: Concepts, Realities and Experiences,  May 2002.

Pandey, Kalyan., Social Mobilization: Concept and Application for Poverty Reduction and Self-Governance. Paper for Regional Workshop on Promoting Effective Participation of Civil Society in Local Governance and Poverty Alleviation in the ECIS Region – Challenges and Good Practices – May 2002.

Pretty, J.N. 1995: Participatory learning for sustainable agriculture. World Development 23: 1247–1263.

Pretty, J.; Frank,  Participation and social capital formation in natural resource management: Achievements and lessons. In: Proceedings, International Landcare 2000, Melbourne, Australia, 2–5 March 2000. Pp.178–187.

Rural Community Infrastrcuture Works Programme RCIW, Social Mobilisation Strategy, Organising and enabling local people to help themselves, Ministry of Local Development, Nepal, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), World Food Programme (WFP), Kathmandu, Nepal, April 2002  

Schmidt, Hans Jörg; Mobilisation concepts ad approaches, various working papers, 199

St. Clair, Charles, Ph.D., Community and Economic Development, A Manual for Practitioners, Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, University of Missouri System, Lincoln University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Local University Outreach and Extension Council, 2003


Links to related Methods and Examples:

Rural Road Construction Strategy

Construction of “Green Roads” through Community Based Organizations

Agricultural Income Promotion in Food Insecure Remote Rural Areas in Nepal (Food For Work-FFW)

Participatory and Conflict Sensitive Impact Monitoring
(Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment - PCIA)

Participatory Planning

Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion in Development-oriented Emergency Aid in Nepal


Reflect - Innovative approaches to Adult Learning and Social Change:

Participatory Learning and Action:

National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC):

Paulo Freire Institute of South Africa: