Gender Mainstreaming - References
Glossary on Macroeconomics from a Gender Perspective by Patricia Alexander with Sally Baden, 2000, 44 pages. Prepared by BRIDGE in collaboration with GTZ - German Technical Cooperation. Economic Reform and Poverty: A Gender Analysis ´by Sally Baden, 1997, 19 pages. Report prepared for the Gender Equality Unit, Swedish International Development. Co-operation Agency (Sida). Concepts and Approaches of Gender and Participation in Development Cooperation. June 1998. Catrin Becher. Ethiopian peasants and the land: The gender division of labor and knowledge. A case study from North Shoa. October 1997. Catrin Becher. Gender and Microcredit: Useful Resources. Paola Brambilla, Emma Bell and Charlotte Sever, 2001, 21 pages. Report prepared for VIDC. Gender and monitoring: a review of practical experiences, Paola Brambilla, 2001, 25 pages. Gender Evaluation within the UN System Hazel Reeves, 2000, 11 pages. Gender and Participation: The Promotion of Self Help Initiatives in Ethiopia. June 1998. Karin Gaesing. GTZ-LUPO. GTZ Gender Training Workshop Documentation. GTZ LUPO. February 1998. Workshop to Exchange Experiences on the Integration of Gender Issues in Land Use Planning and Natural Resource Management. GTZ LUPO. 16-17 Nov. 1999. Fitche, North Shoa. Gender and Empowerment: Definitions, Approaches and Implications for Policy by Zoë Oxaal and Sally Baden, 1997, 33 pages. Briefing prepared for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions. by Hazel Reeves & Sally Baden, 2000, 37 pages. Prepared for the Department for International Development (DFID) for its gender mainstreaming intranet resource. Gender and Development: Facts and Figures. Heike Wach & Hazel Reeves, 2000, 38 pages. Prepared for the Department for International Development (DFID) for its gender mainstreaming intranet resource. |