Nutrition Baseline Survey - References
Beghin, I., Cap, M., Dujardin, B., A Guide to Nutritional Assessment. WHO, Geneva, 1988 Den Hartog, A.P., Van Staveren, W.A., Manual for social surveys on food habits and consumption in developing countries. Wageningen, Netherlands, 1983 EPI – INFO 2000, CDC - Center of Disease Control, Atlanta, FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization, Conducting small scale nutrition surveys. A Field Manual. Nutrition in Agriculture, No. 5, Rome, 1990 GTZ – SEAMEO, Gross R. et al, Guidelines for Nutrition Baseline Surveys in Communities. Version 1.2. Jakarta, 1997. Jeliffe, D.B., Community Nutritional Assessment. Oxford University Press. Oxford, New York, Tokyo, 1989 Margetts, B., Nelson, M., Design Concepts in Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford Medical Publications. 1991 Medecin sans Frontières, Nutrition Guidelines. 1st Edition, Paris, 1995 Scrimshaw, S., Hutardo, E., Rapid Assessment Procedures for Nutrition and Primary Health Cars. The United Nations University. Tokyo, 1987 United Nation: How to weigh and measure children. National Household Survey Capability Programme. New York, USA, 1986 WHO – World Health Organization, Physical status: The use and interpretation of anthropometry. Report of a WHO Expert Committee. WHO Technical Report Series 854, Geneva, Switzerland, 1995 |