Problem Tree Analysis - References
Systems Tools for Project Planning, Delp, P.; et al.: Indiana, 1977. Integrated Assessment: an emerging methodology for complex issues. Gough, C., Castells, N., and Funtowicz, S. (1998). Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 3(1, 2), Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications; Anderson, J. R., 1985; (Second Edition); W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. Analogical problem solving; Gick, M. L., & Holyoak, K. J., 1980; Cognitive Psychology, 12, 306-355. A structure for plans and behaviour; Sacerdoti, E. D., 1977; Elsever North-Holland. Upgrading urban communities, a resource framework, World Bank 2000. Inuit Observations on Climate Change, Trip Report 1, June 15–21, 1999 Sachs Harbour Northwest Territories. |