The objective tree allows a rigorous development of explicit and comprehensive objectives. This helps the design or implementation of a project to achieve the desired ends
As the objectives are made explicit, the diagram is useful to communicate the relationship between objectives to other decision makers and interested groups
Objective trees may incorporate both quantitative and qualitative objectives. Qualitative objectives may be expressed at a lower level of the hierarchy.
The process of developing the tree often indicates interlinking or related objectives which might not otherwise be considered.
No single objective tree is valid for a particular project. Each person will construct an objective tree in a different manner. There is an inherent uncertainty and ambiguity in specifying objectives.
The stated and the actual objectives of personnel in an organisation may differ significantly. Determining actual objectives is a difficult (if not impossible) task.
There may be confusion over means versus ends. An objective tree structures the statement of goals (or ends) by identifying sub-objectives (means) to their attainment.